Callgrim is here! We have been working hard for a while over here to put this launch together (refresh pages!). Marcus has been camping out at my house off and on for the past few weeks. Many sleepless nights went into that animation. Thanks Marc!
Thanks Ciar, Lorcan and Maeve for helping with this. Everyone chipped in.
I cannot thank Matt enough for everything he has done and continues to do with all of this. He is the most generous person alive.
There are many more launches planned. There will be more animation, some Callgrim Custom Corps, and a bunch of surprises along the way this year. Special thanks to the fans of Glyos. The support of the Glyos community makes this all possible.
WHOO! Awesome Stuff Jesse! Wish I could have afforded more, but I got a couple sweet pieces@! LMK if you need help with a Callgrim Custom Corps!
Awesome intro, and one hell of a line-up to start things off right.
Good luck this year, Callgrim Team. I get the feeling you're in for one hell of a ride...
WhooHoo !!! I picked up some figures, but I hope the Warp Gear & Phase Arms won't sell out before next week
That animation was soooo DOPE!! Love the voice acting for 'ole Grim. Can't wait to see more episodes in the future!! The new figs look great too! Now I need to go figure out what I'll buy.....hmmmmmm let me see.
Well, that was well worth the wait! Awesome stuff guys! Love it all! Plus, T-shirts!!!!
Please free the prisonners ! Awasome release man. Keep those coming ! The LORCOS REBELLION is my favorite. I had to buy duplicates of this one.
Congrats Jesse what a great first (proper) release, Im glad you got to do things as big as you wanted to this time around and youve really set the standard high for yourself! I wish you all the luck in the world!
and thanks to Malosovich for making it possible for me to order this time I didnt want to miss this!
now whens the next episode I cant wait!
My very first Callgrim order, and what an awesome drop man!! I simply had to buy everything (well as much as i'm allowed to buy). I literally saved my christmas money for a huge glyos drop like this, i am SO happy man! Goodjob to everyone involved, thank you for everything!!
Forgot to add -- nice use of the Wilhelm Scream. Totally didn't see that one coming.
Jesse, Congratulations on the launch, I hope it is a great financial and creative success!! The animation was great and really wets my whistle for more, I want to see where this story is going!!!
The kids haven't been this excited since Christmas!!!
Mad props on this! Excellent figure colors, and the warp gear packs are a great idea as well. The redesigned site is amazing, and I can't wait to see more of the animation! Cheers gentlemen.
Don't forget to look in the Holding Cell!
Thank you for making such great art!
The animation was beautiful, a treat to look at. Much better than the current style of simplistic animation you see these days. The action was just what I wanted it to be, I hope the next episodes are full of it! More exploding out windows please.
Very awesome, jesse! the nemica scene with those giant frosted Gods-somethings feeds me on my hunger to see stuff that´s illustrated just like good ol´Metal Hurlant! Though the animation doesn´t give away too much i´m pretty much filled up with imagination of what´s happening to Callgrim & his Pheyden traveller mate! Just too cool! No w i´m eager to make some animation, too! And on the figures i love that you can recap all the scenes you´ve seen so far with all the figures! Very nice and very goo thinking on the construction! Congrats, congrats!
man... so much awesome... I need to save up more for doubles and the few I didn't get to order yet... there are some beautiful colorways in there...
the cartoon was incredible.. episode 2 can't come fast enough!
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