Monday, May 17, 2010

Masters of the Glyoverse


Ghost Lion said...

That Trap Jaw is sicko! Wow. (The rest are great as well)

DonaldHelloStudio said...

more pics from Merman and Mantenna pls! thanks :D!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me?! Those are wicked! :D

Stack said...

They're all great, but Stinkor is particularly awesome.

Monsterforge said...

Well... I just pooped a little.

The way to a geek's heart is through his MOTU. These guys are INSANE! You've made me shed a manly tear, my good man!

Ghost Target said...

Those are beautiful, but where's Man At Arms and Teela ? ;)

JediCreeper said...

that's not even fair... i really love those

idlechimp said...

Oh MY God!! I Want this set!!!! So freaking cool!!


C'mon Jesse...a close up of Mantenna PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!

Your paint jobs are absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!

Do I sense a CC-type Callgrim drop?



Scareglow w/ a gitd Callgrim?


Got some attachments that would rock a Webstor for ya!

Keep them comin' brutha!


Ryan said...

I must have that Callgrim Skeletor.
I got the Skeltor Sarvos in the first CC, and this one mus be mine as well.