2011 is looking good for Callgrim- Matt, Marcus and I have a ton of new ideas and cool things in the works. After the first launch we will be working on an online comic (working title "The Beginning of the End"), CCC1 and new animation.
My New Year's Resolution is to post more often- so keep checking in! I cannot say this enough- I am forever grateful to all who continue to support this crazy project. Thanks!
Just keep up the crazy good work, man, and I can't wait to see what becomes of the comic idea and the new animation!
YAY! I can't wait to give you my money!
Huzzah! Yes please more art!
Excellent New Year's Resolution, Jesse! Well, for us fans at least. ;o)
And I hope the upcoming stories shed some light on the Hollow Blattaria Colony. I know Callgrim made mention of it a couple of posts ago, but I've been waiting so long for more info on this.
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