Sincere thanks to everyone that helped make the first Callgrim launch of the year a huge success! Thank you to all of the Callgrim fans that allow for this project to continue! Special thanks to Marcus for braving the elements to hole up in my attic for days at a time. Holidays, sickness and blizzards did not deter him from putting this launch together. We worked many long nights with only Nick's and chicken pot pie to sustain us. Extra special thanks to Matt for pulling off multiple photo shoots while gimped out and sick. We can also thank Matt for the creative final build versions of the Terra Mite and Elite Sentry Sarvos. Matt is the Buildmaster! I have some great go to guys. Without them- this would not exist.
There is still a lot of work to do and tons of content to unleash. Thanks again.
Thank you so much for all the work you guys do! Really enjoying the art with this drop cannot wait to see a Terra Mite and Elite Sentry paintings. Waiting to see the awesome work those animation thumbnails allude to a few posts back as well.
And suddenly I realize how awesome a Terra Mites CC drop would be.
The mites are soooooooooooooo friggin' awesome! Thanx 4 the awesome drop! MJ was stoked 2 able 2 order such killer colorways from ya.
Another Great drop & Callgrim Vhorren Commander's colors are great. I'm going to have to place another order for the figures I didn't get on Wednesday.
Definitely a wicked color wave. Loving the Mite colors and the Vhorrens!
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