Thursday, December 2, 2010

Callgrim Custom Corps II

The DP X Callgrim Custom Corps are officially M.I.A. You guys are beasts!! Thanks to everyone who participated. Special thanks to Matt, Marc and Walker... Callgrim Custom Corps I will be released soon!


Ghost Target said...

Woohoo, bought one!

Spy Monkey Jeremy said...

BAM! Ordered!

GREAT work Jesse!!!

Those Microman style ones are just awesome!!!

Aw heck, who am I kidding... They're ALL awesome!


Cappy said...

I was wondering about that "2" -- thought maybe it was a typo, but it showed up in more than one place. So, more custom Callgrim soon: yay!

JediCreeper said...

dammit dammit dammit dammit DAMMIT... missed by 20 minutes due to an ill-timed nap... I just suck lately..

The Pathologist said...

Wow, that ended super fast...

WolverineBurger said...
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WolverineBurger said...

So awesome... got one by the skin of my teeth (scraped up cash at last minute and had to have my fiance do the ordering since I was still at work).

Smack6102 said...

Wow 6 mins? Thats awesome!!Congrats Jesse and Matt


On at 8:01, link not available. Back on at 8:04 went to site & got 2 onto Paypal...whoosh..then gone!!!! Just about to approve & they snatched right from me while I was paying....I'm done guys.....I will no longer buy any of these figures I have missed every time by minutes, this time seconds....

WolverineBurger said...

Jeez Bob, why so serious? I'm sure Jesse doesn't need your $$ anyway, he can have mine. Lol.

DonaldHelloStudio said...

My word verfication - word is "UNWORE". Totaly blews the thought of what i wanted to write.

Oh yeah, congrats Jesse!